Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday November 30, 2015

-Summarize the following Post World War 1 Tensions:  Economic, Labor, Political, Social, & Race and Religious

1.  Create a New Folder
- Chapter 12- Politics of the Roaring Twenties

2.  Click HERE to get notes
- file-make a copy- put in Chapter 12 folder

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday November 17, 2015

1.  SUBMIT chapter 11 Review 
2.  You have about 10 minutes to look over your chapter 11 notes or review
3.  Login to skyward and take chapter 11 test
* you may NOT use notes or review
4.  Sit quietly when finished, we will be watching Fly Boys when everyone finishes.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday November 13, 2015

1.  Click HERE to turn in your chapter 11 vocab
2.  Open Chapter 11 Vocab TEST
* file-make a copy-put in ch 11 folder
* you may use your vocab on test
3.  SUBMIT your vocab test
4.  Once you finish test, you need to complete Ch 11 Review
- if you werent here yesterday, get from the blog

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday November 12, 2015

1.  You need to finish your chapter 11 vocabulary if you have not done so
* it will be do at the beginning of class tomorrow before we take the test.

2.  You need to use your notes and textbook to complete Chapter 11 REVIEW
* file-make a copy-put in chapter 11 folder
* will be due tomorrow at the end of class
* you know what happens if everyone doesnt turn it in :)

3.  You may listen to music as long as you are working....If anyone is watching videos, playing games, or not working on assignments, I've told the sub to make EVERYONE put their headphones up. (This is a privelage, don't be the one to ruin it!!)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday November 11, 2015

- Summarize Wilson's Fourteen Points
-Describe the Treaty of Versailles and international and domestic reaction to it
-Explain some of the consequences of the war

1.  Open your section 3 notes, we have a few things to finish up

2.  Click HERE to get section 4 notes
* file-make a copy- put in Chapter 11 folder

3.  Chapter 11 Vocab is due on Friday along with Chapter 11 Review
- we will be doing Chapter 11 Review tomorrow, so if you are going to be absent, you are still responsible for it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday November 10, 2015

- Describe how the U.S. mobilized for war
-Summarize U.S. battefield success
-Identify the new weapons and the medical problems faced in WW1
-Describe U.S. offensives and the end of the war

1.  Turn in Section 2 worksheet HERE

2.  Chapter 11 Section 3 NOTES
* file-make a copy-put in Ch 11 folder

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday November 9, 2015

1.  Open your section 2 notes, we will finish these today.

2.  Click HERE for section 2 Worksheet
* it is due at the beginning of class tomorrow

3.  Chapter 11 Vocabulary is due on Friday

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday November 5, 2015

1.  Please login to your skyward account and take Chapter 11 Section 1 Quiz
- you may NOT use any notes or resources, just your BRAIN!

2.  Once you finish, open Section 2 notes, we will finish these today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday November 4, 2015

1.  You will have 20 minutes to complete Chapter 11 Section 1 Worksheet
- you will need to sumbit it through yesterdays blog

-Describe how the United States mobilized for war
-Explain how business and government cooperated during the war
-Show how the government promoted the war
-Describe the attacks on civil liberties that occured
-Summarize the social changes that affected African Americans and Women

2.  Section 2 NOTES
-file, make a copy, put in Ch 11 folder

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday November 3, 2015

- Discuss how the Germans devised a plan to win the war quickly
-Identify the three (3) events that ultimately drew the United States in to Worl War 1
- United States declares war

1.  Please open part 2 of section 1 notes
- HERE they are if you dont have them

2.  Complete the WORKSHEET over section 1

3.  Turn it in HERE

Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday Novermber 2, 2015

- Identify the long term causes and the immediate circumstances that led to WW1
- Describe the first two years of the war
- Summarize U.S. public opinion about the war
- Explain why the United States entered the war

1.  Click HERE for Chapter 11 Section 1 notes            part 1
- file make a copy put in Chapter 11 folder

2.  Click HERE for Chater 11 Section 1 notes 
     part 2
- file make a copy put in Chapter 11 folder

3.  MAP of Europe at the start of 1914
- put in Chapter 11 folder

4.  MAP of Europe from beginning to end
- put in Chapter 11 folder