Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday March 31, 2016

1.  SUBMIT your Ch 18 vocabulary
2.  TAKE Chapter 18 vocabulary Test
- you may use your vocabulary
3.  SUBMIT the Test when you finish 
4.  HERE is a review for Chapter 18.  
- file, make a copy, put in folder
- it will be due tomorrow before the test.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday March 30, 2016

- Explain the policy of brinkmanship
-Describe American and Soviet actions that caused the Cold War to spread around the world
-Summarize the impact of Sputnik and the U-2 incident on the United States

1.  Click HERE to get section 4 notes
-file, make a copy put in Ch 18 folder

2.  SUBMIT the Hiss Worksheet

3.  We will have Chapter 18 vocabulary test tomorrow.  Make sure your vocab is finished.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Wednesday March 24, 2016

-Describe government efforts to investigate the loyalty of U.S. Citizens
-Explain the spy cases of Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
-Describe the efforts of Senator Joseph McCarthy to investigate alleged Communist influence in the U.S.

1.  Ch 18 QUIZ #1 (may use your book/notes)
2. SUBMIT Quiz when you finish
3. Ch 18 Section 3 NOTES
-file, make a copy, put in folder
4. Alger Hiss WORKSHEET

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday March 23, 2016

1.  Finish your assignment from  yesterday if  you have not done so.

2. SUBMIT the assignment when you finish

3.  Work on Chapter 18 Vocabulary when you finish the assignment.
* HERE is the vocab if you dont have it.

Have a Great Day!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday March 22, 2016

Open to Chapter 18 Section 2 in your books.

1.  HERE is your assignment.
- you will finish the story answering WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday March 21, 2016

1.  Create a new folder
* Chapter 18- The Cold War
2.  Click HERE to get Section 1 Notes
* file-make copy- put in folder
3. Your Chapter 18 VOCAB
* file-make copy- put in Ch 18 folder

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday March 8, 2016

1. SUBMIT your chapter 17 Review if you have not done so yet

2.  Login to your skyward account and take Chapter 17 Test.

3.  If you were absent yesterday, you need to go to the blog and take yesterdays Vocabulary Test.
- be sure to sumbit your vocabulary as well.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday March 7, 2016

1.  Click HERE to turn in your Chapter 17 Vocabulary.

2.  Using your vocabulary, take the VOCAB test.

3.  TURN in the vocabulary Test.

4.  Finish completing your Chapter 17 review if you have not done so.  It will be due tomorrow before we take the Chapter test.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday March 2, 2016

1.  Complete Chapter 17 REVIEW
- you may use your notes, and book

2.  SUBMIT it here once you complete it.

3.  You will take your vocabulary test on Friday, so make sure it is complete.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday March 1

-Describe the economic and social changes that reshaped American life during World War 2
-Summarize both the opportunities and discrimination African Americans & other minorities experienced during the war.

1.  Section 4 NOTES
* file, make a copy, put in Ch 17 folder
2. Click HERE to get WW2 multimedia Assignment.
- Due tomorrow