Monday, August 31, 2020

Monday August 31, 2020

 -Identify the events that escalated the conflict between the United States and Spain

-Trace the course of the Spanish American War and it's results

1.  Login to schoology and open your Chapter 10 folder.  Find 10.2 notes and make a copy.  We will fill them out as a class

2.  After we finish, you will be writing an essay about the Spanish American War.  The instructions are also in your Chapter 10 folder in Schoology.  It will be due at the end of the day on Tuesday

3.  Chapter 10 Vocabulary and Vocabulary test will be this Thursday.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday August 27, 2020

 -Identify events that escalated the conflict between the U.S. and Spain

-Trace the course of the Spanish American War and its results

1.  Login to schoology to get your vocab words

2.  Get a book from the back of the room and complete the vocabulary words

**They need to be exact out of the glossary

**If not in the glossary, use the index to find the page number and then define using your own words

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thursday August 27, 2020

 -Explain the economic and cultural factors that fueled the growth of American imperialism

- Describe how the U.S. acquired Alaska.  Summarize how the U.S. took over the Hawaiian Islands

1.  Login to schoology and click on the Chapter 10 folder- open section 1 Notes

2.  We will be completing the notes in class

3.  Chapter 10 Vocabulary will be due Next Thursday

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday August 26, 2020

1.  You need to check schoology and make sure you have submitted all assignments- it will show a 100 in the gradebook if you have turned it in and there will not be a grade if you havn't turned it in

2.  You need to continue putting your music project together.  You should be at least half way done with it.  


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tuesday August 25, 2020

1.  Login to Schoology and fill out the birthday form

2.  Once you complete that- make sure you have submitted your syllabus

3.  After submitting the syllabus, you need to submit your 3 music choices to me.

4.  Once I give you approval, begin working on your Music Project. 

5.  The Syllabus and Music choices must be submitted by today

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Monday August 24, 2020

1.  You will need to complete selecting your 3 music choices.

2.  Login to schoology to get the documents.  You will need to have this completed by the end of class.

3. Once you complete it, you need to begin working on chapter 10 vocabulary.  

4. Once we all have our chrome books, we will be working on our Music Project.