Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday January 30, 2015

1.  Log into skyward account to take WW2 test
- You may use your notes

2.  Click HERE to submit WW2 review

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday January 29, 2015

1.  Please click HERE to get your Chapter 19/20 Review.
-make a copy and save in your folder
-it will be due tomorrow

2.  Chapter Test tomorrow

3.  If you have not turned in your scrapbook project please get it to me ASAP
* I'm not going to hunt you down asking for it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27, 2015

1.  6th Period only:  Click HERE to watch D Day video- get some headphones from back if needed

2.  Click HERE to get Notes #5
-make a copy and put it in your folder
-Get book and read pgs 640-648 in your books and fill in Notes.  Put books up when finished

3.  Click HERE to view atomic bomb exploding

4.  Click HERE to view video over Freedom isnt free.

I'll be checking your notes first thing tomorrow, you need to finish TODAY.  Remember, I can tell if you share them with someone!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday January 26, 2015

-Describe the goals of the two major offensives the Allies launched in Europe in 1943
-Explain the American strategy for pushing the Japanese back in the Pacific

1.  Please open notes #3, we will finish these today
2.  Click HERE to get notes #4

Video Link HERE

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday January 23, 2015

Describe how the wartime economy created opportunities for women and minorities
Discuss how Americans coped with shortages and rapidly rising prices

1.  Please log into your skyward account and take quiz #2

2.  Open Notes #3- We will finish these today

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday January 21, 2015

1.  Open Notes #1 from yesterday
2.  Click HERE for Notes #2
- make a copy
3.  We will be going over fighting in WW2 today

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday January 20, 2015

1.  Please Click HERE to take Chapter 19 Vocabulary Test
- you may use your vocabulary on test

2.  Click HERE to submit your assignment

3.  Click HERE to get Fighting in World War 2 PP Notes #1
-create a new sub-folder in Chapter 19 folder and title it Fighting in WW2
- we will be going over slides 1-8 today.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday January 15, 2015

1.  Turn in your WW2 scrapbook
2.  Finish Ch 19 Review and Ch 19 Vocab
3.  Click HERE to turn in Ch 19 Vocabulary

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday January 15, 2014

1.  Continue to work on Chapter 19 Review
2.  Please click HERE to submit the review once you finish.
3.  Work on your Chapter 19 Vocabulary

Reminder:  WW2 Scrapbooks due tomorrow

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday January 14, 2015

- Discuss why the United States decided to get in World War 2

1.  Click HERE to get notes #4
* make a copy and put in Ch 19 Folder

2.  Click HERE to get Chapter 19 Review
* make a copy and put in Ch 19 Folder
* use your notes if needed to complete the review
* due end of class on Thursday

3.  Your scrapbook will be due on Friday

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday January 7, 2015

-Understand the course of the early years of World War 2 in Europe
-Describe FDR's foreign policy in the mid 1930s and the great debate between interventionists and isolationists.
-Explain how the U.S. became involved in the conflict

1.  Please login to your skyward account and take a quiz over the rise of dicators.

2.  Please click HERE and HERE  to get your notes.  The first one is notes #2 and the second is notes #3
* make a copy and put in your Ch 19 folder

1.  Continue to work on your vocabulary

3.  You need to meet in the library tomorrow and Friday.  Mrs. Miller will be your teacher for the next two days.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday January 6, 2015

-Explain the rise of dictatorships in the Soviet Union, Italy, and Germany in the 1930s
-Summarize acts of aggression by Italy, Germany, and Japan
-Analyze the responses of Britain, France, and the U.S. to the aggressive regimes

1.  Please click HERE to get notes #1
* make a copy and save in folder as Notes #1

2.  Work on your Vocabulary once we finish section 1 notes.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday January 5, 2015

- Describe how postwar conditions contributed to the rise of antidemocratic governments in Europe
-Explain why many Americans supported a policy of isolationism

1.  Make a new folder- Chapter 19- WW2
2.  Click HERE to get Chapter 19 Vocab Words
* make a copy and save in folder
3.  Click HERE to view Dictators of the World PP
* make a copy and save
4.  Vocab will be due January 13