Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday September 30, 2015

-Give examples of turn of the 20th century leisure activities and popular sports
-Analyze the spread of mass culture in the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century
-Describe turn of the 20th century innovations in marketing and advertising

1.  Chapter 8 Section 4 NOTES
-file-make copy put in Ch 8 folder

2.  Work on guided readings from yesterday
- due tomorrow!!

3.  We will take chapter 8 vocab test tomorrow

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Septmeber 29, 2015

-Trace the of segregation and the African American struggle against racism in the U.S.
-Summarize turn of the 20th century race relations in the North and South
-Identify discrimination against minorities in the American West

1.  Please click HERE to get Ch 8 Seciton 3 Notes
- file-make a copy- put in Ch 8 folder

2. Section 1 Guided READING
* Click HERE to submit

3.  Section 2 Guided READING
* Click HERE to submit

Friday, September 25, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

1.  Open your books to pg 274
- cick on Resources
- click Chapter Level Resources
-Multimedia Connections:  Life in Cities

2.  Pleas click HERE to get the activity over Life in Cities
- file-make a copy and put in Chapter 8 folder

3.  SUBMIT assignment

4.  Work on your vocabulary if you finish

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday September 24, 2015

-Describe the impact of technological advances on turn of the 20th Century urban planning
-Summarize turn of the century communication innovations
-Analyze the expansion of public education at the turn of the 20th century
-Describe the growth of higher education

1.  Create a new folder if you havn't done so
-Title it Ch 8- Life at the turn of the 20th Century

2.  Click HERE to submit Ch 7 Review
-remember I will take off it not done correctly

3.  Section 1 & 2 NOTES
- file-make a copy put in Ch 8 folder

4.  Section 1 HOMEWORK
-file-make a copy put in Ch 8 folder
- use pgs 276-281 to complete it if needed

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday September 23, 2015

1.  Please login to your skyward account and take Chapter 7 Test

2.  Once you finish your test, open to pg 274 in your books and begin working on Chapter 8 VOCAB 
-you will need to make a new folder:  Chapter 8
* file-make a copy of vocab and put in Ch 8 folder

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday September 22, 2015

1.  Click HERE to submit Chapter 7 Vocabulary
- make sure I can edit it please

2.  Chapter 7 Vocabulary TEST

3.  Click HERE to submit Chapter 7 Vocab Test

4.  Chapter 7 REVIEW
- make a copy and put in Ch 7 folder
- Due tomorrow

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday September 21, 2015

- Explain the role of political machines and political bosses
-Describe how some politicians greed and fraud cost taxpayers millions of dollars
-Describe the measures taken by presidents Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur to reform the spoils system
-Explain the positions taken by presidents Cleveland, Harrison, and McKinley on the tariff issue

1.  Click HERE to get notes #3
* file-make a copy- put in Ch 7 folder

2.  Chapter 7 vocabulary is due tomorrow

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday September 16,2015

-Describe the movement of immigrants to cities and the opportunities they found there
-Explain how cities dealth with housing, transportation, sanitation, and safety issues
-Describe some of the organizations and people who offered help to urban immigrants

1.  Open your section 2 notes
* if you weren't here yesterday, go to blog to get

2.  Work on Chapter 7 vocabulary

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday September 15, 2015

1.  Open your Section 1 notes....we will finish these.

2.  Section 1 QUIZ
- do not open it until instructed!!
- File-Make a copy-put in Ch 7 folder

3.  Click HERE to submit quiz
* make sure I can edit it

4.  You need to complete the assignment assigned to you in your online textbook

5.  Section 2 NOTES
* file-make copy- put in Ch 7 folder

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday September 14, 2015

-Identify immigrants countries of origin
-Describe the journey immigrants endured and their experiences at United States immigration stations
-Examine the causes and effects of the nativists' anti-immigrant sentiments

1.  Create a new folder:  Title it Chapter 7:  Immigration and Urbanization

2.  Please Click HERE to get Ch 7 Vocab
* file-make copy- put in Ch 7 folder

3.  Click HERE to get section 1 notes
* file-make copy- put in Ch 7 folder

4.  In another tab, open your textbooks to pg 252

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday September 11, 2015

1.  Login to your skyward account and take Ch 6 Test
* you may use your notes

2.  14 Years ago, the United States changed forever.  Click HERE to watch a video.
* this is the only thing you are allowed to be viewing!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday September 10, 2015

1.  Open Section 3 notes...we will finish today

2.  You need to submit your activity from yesterday if you have not done so
* will have to go to yesterday's blog to do it

2.  Open books to pg 250 and work on Ch 6 Review
* click on green Q in top left hand corner of page
* click on save to my notebook when finished

3.  Chapter 6 Test tomorrow
* Look through your notes tonight!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday September 9, 2015

1.  Open your textbooks to pg 228
*  click on Resources
* click on Chapter Level Resources
* click on Multimedia connections Ch 6

2.  We will be working on an classroom activity over Big Business and Labor.  Click HERE for the worksheet associated with it.
* file and make copy and put in Ch 6 folder
* use multimedia connectons to answer questions
* Answer questions in complete sentences

3.  Click HERE to submit assignment.
* if you do not finish in class, it's homework!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday September 8, 2015

-Identify theories and practices that created a favorable climate for entrepreneurs and the development of big business
-Explain how economic development affected society
-Summarize the emergence and growth of unions
-Explain the violent reactions of industry and government to union strikes

1.  Click HERE to get section 3 notes if you need
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 6 folder
2.  If you were absent Friday, you need to take vocab test on your own time- before Thursday

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday September 4, 2015

1.  Please click HERE to submit your vocabulary
* make sure I can EDIT it

2.  Login to your skyward account and take the quiz.
* Only thing you should have open is your vocab- if you made a 100 on it

3.  Click HERE to get section 3 notes
* file-make a copy-put in ch 6 folder

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday September 3, 2015

1.  Open your section 2 notes- we will be finishing these up today.

2.  You need to complete the effects of R/R chart that was on your blog yesterday
* if you didn't save it yesterday, file and make a copy and put in your chapter 6 folder
3.  Work on your vocabulary- it's due tomorrow
* There will be a link to submit vocab on tomorrows blog, so do not submit until then

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday September 2, 2015

- Identify the role of the railroads in unifying the country
-List positive and negative effects of railroads on the nation's economy
-Summarize reasons for, and outcomes of, the demand for railroad reform

1.  Please click HERE to get section 2 notes
* file-make a copy- put in chapter 6 folder

2.  Please click HERE to get section 2 chart
* file-make a copy- put in chapter 6 folder
* please title it Effects of R/R expansion

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday September 1, 2015

-Explain how the abundance of natural resources, new recovery, and refining methods, and new uses for them led to intensive industrialization
- Identify inventions that changed the way people lived and worked

1.  Please click HERE to get Section 1 notes
* file-make copy- put in Ch 6 folder

2.  Click HERE to take section 1 quiz. 
* Do not open this until I ask you to do so
* file-make copy- put in chapter 6 folder

3.  Click HERE to submit assignment

4.  You will have time at the end of class to work on vocabulary