Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday November 29, 2016

1.  Open your section 1 Notes, we will finish these

2.  We will be doing a map activity of Europe to prepare us for the fighting in WW2!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday November 28, 2016

-Identify the types of governments that took power in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan after World War 1
-Describe the details of Americas turn to isolationism in the 1930s

1.  Create a new folder if you have not done so:
    - Chapter 16:  World War Looms

2.  Here is your Dictator NOTES
- file-make a copy- put in ch 16 folder

3.  Here is  Section 1 NOTES
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 16 folder

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday November 22, 2016

1.  Check your skyward account to make sure you have turned in all missing assignments---3 weeks grading period ends TODAY

2.  If you have finished it all, work on Chapter 16 VOCABULARY
- file-make a copy-put in Ch 16 folder

3.  Madison Stout---Check your EMAIL and EMAIL me back

4.  Have a Great Thanksgiving Break!!!

Tuesday November 22, 2016

1.  Check your skyward account to make sure you have turned in all missing assignments---3 weeks grading period ends TODAY

2.  If you have finished it all, work on Chapter 16 VOCABULARY
- file-make a copy-put in Ch 16 folder

3.  Have a Great Thanksgiving Break!!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday November 18, 2016

1.  You need to login to skyward to take Chapter 14/15 Test.  You are NOT allowed to use notes/book on Test

2.  Once you finish, make sure you have turned in the following assignments...if you do not have a grade in skyward for it....I dont have it
     1.  Chapter 15 Vocabulary
     2.  SAS #1256 Worksheet
     3.  Chapter 14/15 Review
* you will need to submit them through the late/make up work tab at the top of the blog

3.  If you have all of those finished, please begin working on Chapter 16 VOCAB
- you will need to create a new folder:  Chapter 16- World War Looms
- then file-make a copy- put in Ch 16 folder

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday November 17, 2106

1.  SUBMIT your Ch 15 Vocab if you haven't done so

2.  Take Chapter 15 Vocabulary TEST
-File-Make a Copy- Put in Ch 15 Folder
- You may use Vocab if it's 100% complete

3.  SUBMIT Ch 15 Test when you finish

4.  Login to skyward and work on Ch 14/15 Review----may use notes/book

5.  Test Tomorrow

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday November 16, 2016

1.  Submit your SAS Activity if you have yet to do so.....you may work on it if you have not finished
*** will need to go to Monday's blog to submit

2.  Chapter 15 Vocabulary is due tomorrow--We will take a test when you get to class

3.  Login to your skyward account and work on Chapter 14/15 Review---it is due at end of class tomorrow
--- You may use notes/book to complete

4.  Chapter 14/15 Test will be on Friday
* If you are absent on Friday---you will take Monday

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday November 15, 2016

-Describe the purpose of the 2nd New Deal
-Summarize New Deal programs for farmers
-Identify the Second New Deal Programs aimed at assisting young people and professionals
-Summarize labor and economic reforms carried out under the Second New Deal

1.  Click HERE to get Section 2 notes
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 15 folder

Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday November 14, 2016

1.  Log in to your SAS Account
- Search #1256

2.  HERE is the worksheet you will answer
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 15 folder

3.  SUBMIT worksheet when you finishe

Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday November 11, 2016

1.  SUBMIT Chapter 15 Vocabulary

2.  Login to your textbook and complete Section 1 Worksheet---You may use your book to complete

3.  A lot of government programs in this chapter so we will be doing Worksheets 1st then Notes

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday November 8, 2016

-Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance
-Describe New Deal work programs
-Identify critics of FDR's New Deal

1.  VOTE for President
* will get a free 100 if you vote

2.  SUBMIT your Chapter 14 Review
- I wont be taking it late, so  submit what you have 

3. Section 1 NOTES
* file-make a copy- put in Ch 15 folder

4.  Work on Chapter 15 Vocabulary

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Monday November 7, 2016

- Explain Hoover's initial response to the depression
-Summarize the actions Hoover took to help the economy and the hardship suffered by Americans
-Describe the Bonus Army and Hoover's actions toward it

1.  Open Section 3 NOTES
* file-make a copy- put in Ch 14 folder
* You should have already finished these, but we will go over them in class
2.  Need to complete Ch 14 REVIEW 
* file-make a copy put in Ch 14 folder

3.  Create a New Folder:  Ch 15- The New Deal

4.  Chapter 15 VOCABULARY words
-File-Make a copy- put in Ch 15 folder

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday November 2, 2016

1.  SUBMIT your Chapter 14 Vocabulary
* will be 10 points off if it is not submitted correctly

2.  You need to take your Vocabulary TEST
*file-make a copy- put in Ch 14 folder
* You may use your vocabulary if it's complete

3.  SUBMIT your test once you finish
* 10 points off if not sumbitted correctly

4.  Finish Chapter 14 review---due TOMORROW