Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thursday October 27, 2016

-Describe how people struggled to survive during the Depression
-Explain how the Depression affected men, women, and children

1.  Section 2 NOTES
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 14 folder

2.  Make a kahoot over section 1 and 2

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday October 26, 2016

-Summarize the critical problems threatening the American economy in the late 1920s
-Describe the causes of the stock market crash and Great Depression
-Explain how the Great Depression affected the economy in the United States and throughout the world

1.  Section 1 NOTES
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 14 folder

2.  Complete the Cause and Effect CHART about the great depression
-File-make a copy- put in Ch 14 folder
- You will have to type in a text box

3.  SUBMIT when you finish

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday October 25, 2016

1.  SUBMIT your Project if you have not done so

2. SUBMIT your Chapter 12 Review 

3.  You should have saved you Ch 13 Review and clicked Score in your textbook...if not you might want to work on it after the test--I will not take it after tonight!

4.  Login to your skyward account and Take Chapter 12 & 13 Test
*  You may use your notes and your book, but you must finish before the period ends---If you do not finish and questions, they will be counted wrong.

5.  Create a New Folder in your Drive-- Chapter 14- The Great Depression

6.  Click HERE to get Chapter 14 Vocabulary words
* file-make a copy- put in Ch 14 folder

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday October 24, 2016

1.  You need to finish your Project 
      SUBMIT it here once you finish

2.  Make sure you submit your Ch 13 Vocabulary from Friday---you will need to go to Friday's blog to submit it

3.  Please finish Ch 13 Review in you textbook
     - It was assigned on Friday

4.  Chapter 12 & 13 Test tomorrow
  *  Chapter 12 & 13 Review will be due tomorrow so make sure they are both finished
- I've already graded Ch 12 Review--check your skyward account, if it doesn't have a grade, I dont have it

Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday October 21, 2016

1.  SUBMIT your Chapter 13 Vocabulary

2.  Continue working on the People of the 20's project from yesterdays blog
-2nd Period- go to yesterdays blog and file-make copy of the project

3.  If you happen to finish, login to your textbook and work on Ch 13 Review---may use book, notes

4.  Have a WONDERFUL weekend & C U on Monday!

Hugs and Kisses---Coach Swen

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday October 20, 2016

1.  Click HERE for today's project
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 13 folder
** This will count as a Test grade
- must put source at the bottom of each slide

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday October 19, 2016

-Describe the Pop Culture of the 1920s
-Explain why the youth dominated decade came to be called the Roaring Twenties
- Describe the prolific African American artistic activity that became known as the Harlem Renaissance

1.  Section 3 & 4 NOTES
- file-make a copy- put in Ch 13 folder

2. Chapter 12 Review will be due tomorrow.

3.  Please complete Ch 13.1 and 13.2 quiz in your textbook.

4.  Chapter 13 Vocab will be due on Friday

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday October 18, 2016

-Explain how urbanization created a new way of life that often clashed with the values of traditional rural society
-Explain how the image of the flapper embodied the changing values and attitudes of young women in the 1920's
-Identify the causes and results of the changing roles of women in the 1920s

1.  Get Section 1 & 2 NOTES if you haven't done so----put them in Ch 13 folder

2.  Chapter 13 Vocab is due on Friday
* We will have vocab Test on Friday over Chapter 12 and 13.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday October 17, 2016

1.  Create a New Folder:  
                    Ch 13- The Roaring 1920's
2.  Click HERE to get Section 1 & 2 Notes
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 13 folder

3. Chapter 13 VOCAB Words
-file-make copy- put in Ch 13 folder

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday October 14, 2016

1. Everyone needs some headphones out--if you dont have your own, borrow some of mine 

2. Open your textbooks to Chapter 12
* Using the books and your notes, complete the REVIEW---file-make a copy- put in Ch 12 folder

2.  SUBMIT when you finish

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wednesday October 12, 2016

1.  Open your textbook and complete Section 1 and 2 Quiz--you may use your notes on it---it's due today, will not accept it late.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday October 11, 2016

1.  Submit Chapter 12 Vocabulary HERE

2.  You will have 15-20 minutes to finish up the Sacco and Vanzetti worksheet-- submit it when finished

3.  Click HERE to get section 2 & 3 Notes
- file-make a copy- put in Ch 12 folder.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday October 10, 2016

1.  Click HERE to get section 1 Notes
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 12 folder

2.  Complete the Sacco and Vanzetti WORKSHEET
-file-make a copy- put in Ch 12 folder

3.  SUBMIT Worksheet when finished

4.  Vocabulary due tomorrow

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday October 5, 2016

-Summarize the reaction in the United States to the preceived threat of communism
-Analyze the causes and effects of the quota system in the United States
-Describe some of the postwar conflicts between labor and management

1. Open your textbooks to pg 412--Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues

2. Section 1 NOTES
-file-make a copy-put in Ch 12 folder

3.  Vocabulary will be due on Monday

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday October 4, 2016

1.  You need to login to Skyward and take Chapter 11 Test.

2. Once you finish, you need to make a new folder:  Chapter 12-Politics of the Roaring 20s

3. You need to work on Chapter 12 VOCAB
-file-make a copy- put in folder

4.  Complete the Worksheet in your book if you didn't finish yesterday!